The 2006 Kyoto Prize Workshops

Major contribution to statistical science and modeling with the development of the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC)

Hirotugu Akaike

/  Statistical Mathematician

Basic Sciences

Mathematical Sciences(including Pure Mathematics)


11 /12 Sun

13:00 - 17:20

Place: Kyoto International Conference Center

Address:Takaragaike, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-0001 Japan



Opening Address Heisuke Hironaka (Chairman, Kyoto Prize Selection Committee; Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University)
Introduction to Laureate Takashi Tsuchiya
Laureate Lecture Hirotugu Akaike (the Laureate in Mathematical Sciences)
“Statistical Reasoning and the Role of Modeling”
Lecture Shun-ichi Amari (Chairman, Kyoto Prize Executive Committee; Director, Brain Science Institute, RIKEN)
“Akaike Information Criterion ―Its philosophy and New Developments”
Lecture Genshiro Kitagawa (Director, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics)
“Information Criteria and Statistical Modeling”
Lecture Yoshiyuki Kabashima (Professor, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo

Institute of Technology)
“”More is Different” in Informatics”

Lecture Hidetoshi Shimodaira (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering,

Tokyo Institute of Technology) “Model Selection and Bootstrap”



Hirotugu Akaike

Statistical Mathematician

In the early 1970’s, Dr. Hirotugu Akaike formulated the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), a new practical, yet versatile criterion for the selection of statistical models, based on basic concepts of information mathematics. This criterion established a new paradigm that bridged the world of data and the world of modeling, thus contributing greatly to the information and statistical sciences.

*This field then was Field of Mathematical Sciences.


Related information

November 12, 2006 (Sun.), 13:00 – 17:20
Kyoto International Conference Center
Kazuo Murota (Member, Kyoto Prize Selection Committee; Professor, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo) Takashi Tsuchiya (Member, Kyoto Prize Selection Committee; Professor, Department of Mathematical Analysis and Statistical Inference, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics)
Kazuo Murota
Organized by Inamori Foundation
Supported by Kyoto Prefectural Government, Kyoto City Government, and NHK
With the cooperation of The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, The Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, Information Processing Society of Japan, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Mathematical Society of Japan, Japan Statistical Society, The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, The Operations Research Society of Japan, Japanese Society of Applied Statistics